Sunday, 12 August 2007

Rain, rain, go away....

Yes, it has been rather rainy these past few days. The first couple of days we were here it was unbelievably hot and humid, and then it started pissing it down. Unlike last time (I learned my lesson), I had a proper tent, but there are some among us who weren't so fortunate!

Anyways, just a quick blogski, we've been to see the Chemical Brotherski, Madnesszki, Razorlightski, The good bad the queeensky (miserable f*ckers) and lots of assorted other little bands, and a performance arts piece by some French Wierdos yesterday.

After worrying about finding somewhere secure to park the car while we were here, we decided to abandon it randomly in the town centre. We reckon if you can't read the signs, then they can't legally tow your car away. We shall see anyways.

We're halfway through the festival now, starting to get a little dirty and damp and bedraggled, but I'm enjoying it nontheless! Sebok (the moaning girl) went to sleep in the Mariott last night, and has gone to a hostel today, even though his tent is the nicest of all of ours! So me and Laura made good use of his double blow up bed last night (in a purely platonic way, of course ;-)

Anyways, that's it from me, we'll be in a nice clean hostel on Wednesday, so I will probably have a proper blog then.


Anonymous said...

So glad the tent is doing you proud, I am assuming it was the one you got from us !!!! and glad you are kind of having a good time, see you when you get back, look after the tent you will need if for the 15th 16th september 2007..... More camping here we come. Claire and Graham AKA the new Mrs & Mrs Goodson......

GaZz said...

Nothing says festival quite like 'The Marriot'

Chris you big gay..